
Sex: MALE Age: 2 Years old

GOOD with dogs, GOOD with older kids, GOOD with cats

ADOPTION FEE: $550 www.unbreakabull.com/adopt

Hey friends, Heckle here…Sir Handsome Heckle as my foster mom calls me. I'm 2 years old and my foster mom can't believe how much I've grown and changed since she became my temporary home. She also can't believe no one has scooped me up because I am one awesome dog. I can be a pretty shy guy. New people, places and things still take me some time to adjust too. But when I'm with a human who makes me feel safe and encourages my confidence I can handle just about anything. Because I’m skittish I tend to be a little jumpy at noises and new things and tend to bolt back to the door of the house, because it’s my safe space. I’m working and improving every day in my confidence but my forever family should be aware that this will take time to develop.

I'm house broken and learning new commands. I have sit, wait and leave it mastered. I continue to work and improve on my down (lay down), off and stay commands, and I even started learning a new trick of shake. I can be very food motivated, but I do need to burn some energy playing prior to training sessions. It helps me focus and learn even faster. I do amazing in my kennel during the day. When I’m out in the house once the initial zoomies have been zoomed, I’m totally content to settle with a chew toy or snuggle in a lap. I just like to be in the same space as my humans.

When it comes to play time, my foster mom wants you to know 2 things - 1. I am the POWER chewer of all power chewers and 2. fetch is kind of almost a thing. My foster mom wants to note that she has never seen a dog who can chew through the "indestructible" toys quite like me, so you do need to either be paying attention or have safe toy alternatives for me. I can be a little messy, but my foster mom thinks I do it on purpose. Why? Because I LOVE bath time. It’s one of my favorite things, and I’ll hop in the tub hoping to get a scrub down, even when I don’t need one. We are still working on my comfort level with paw handling and nails being grinded, but I’m improving.

I have done amazing with other male dogs in the house, I’m still learning how to talk to the girls though. But with slow introductions I have done well. Being around another dog helps my confidence a lot so a consistent friend or playmate is a huge bonus. Cats on the other hand, I really want to be friends with them, they are not so fond of me. According to my foster mom she says that I forget I’m huge compared to them and I do have a strong desire and instinct to chase them.

I’ve never been around children, and due to my skittish/anxiety and still very playful/jumpy nature, I should go to a home with either older children or adult only. My foster mom says I’m well on my way to being the absolute bestest dog ever, and the only thing missing is you, my forever family.



updated (3.12.2024)